Monday, May 24, 2010

If a domain name expires, can you still check your email?

Apparently my host sucks, they were supposed to transfer my domain to their service and never did. It expired, and many important emails from the last 5 days didnt get to me, is there any chance of ever seeing them again? I have alot of pissed off customers.

If a domain name expires, can you still check your email?
no you cannot
Reply:It could be that the emails did not bounce back to the sender and has been received by the email server. You can still probably get the emails if you know the IP address of the mail server itself. You can then request to have the emails downloaded and forwarded to you.
Reply:i dont think so.... because when the email gets sent it cant find the website so it gets rejected and gets a email back saying it cant be delievered
Reply:The answer to that question depends on who is managing the domain name and hosting your website and/or email. But since the domain name expired, it's likely the emails bounced back.

I'd renew that domain name right away if I were you and forget about the lost emails. You can never get them back, but you can make up for new ones who are wanting to contact you.

mark zuckerberg

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